ROB: So what's this all about then?
Well, i made the first animation - the deep fried bunny - to show an idea to someone at work. Then I made another one, for no real reason, other than I had some time on my hands. Then Cal & Tom said i should make a site, for the hell of it, and that was that, really.

CAL & TOM: Errr... you took your time didn't you?
I did actually - sorry about that. Took a bit longer than I thought!

LUCY: Well, if you've got time on your hands, why don't you just watch TV like a normal person? And how could you hurt a cute fluffy bunny?
I fall asleep when I watch TV. I'm rubbish at it. Sorry.I wouldn't really hurt a cute fluffy bunny. I just kinda liked the cuteness of the bunny followed by the not so cuteness of eating it. I know it's not rocket science, but i liked the juxtaposition.

T-SPARK: Can you just get this over with please and finish my site?
Oops, hello. Yes i can. Look! All done...
And why haven't i got a picture like everyone else?
I thought it'd add an air of mystery. Also - you've got hair in a pony tail and i couldn't draw it. OK?

JOEL: Hello. Why aren't there any crabs on here. What's going on?
Blimey, hello Joel. Sorry about that. There's a crab for you here - look, I think he likes you.


I'd like to give you loads of money and nice things.
Would you? Well Thanks. Drop me a mail and that would be lovely

I want you to make an animation of my bunny recipe.
Ok, well, mail it to me, and if i have the ingredients, I'll see what I can do.

  To contact the chef or any Bunny Corp employees, please drop us a line at hello@styledeficit.com